Interesting article in New Scientist on longevity and aging. Surprisingly, the 4 keys to long life is ... drum roll please ... diet, exercise, mental and spiritual and social.
Ventilated, are we so surprised when you have a healthy diet, belief in something, and you live longer live interactive social? Common sense.
So what do you do to solve these problems? Faith is slippery. After a spirituality that is outside of the major religions, I have always felt that my beliefs very important to know who I am. Integrity, honesty, justice and treating people the feeling that is the reward, in fact, not in the hope of reward in the afterlife. Without denigrating any religion or religions here. What do you think of your heart is what matters. The belief in all its forms is what the article mentioned, no details.
"Social" is also an interesting concept that faith or can not be used. Sunday socials were an important part of growing up for me, and I know that many families, regular meals together, but a social life even more. Does your social life include community activities such as theater, politics, volunteering, or something in nature? Are you involved with a local bird watching club? It's about interaction.
Financial year - two birds with one stone.
Physical activity and nutrition are an integral part of this site I will not delve into details about them, except to say they are so important, the physical quality of life.
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