Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Living to 100 : Major-gene mutants to long life
There is a clear link between the living to 100 and the legacy of a hyperactive version of an enzyme that prevents cell aging, say, a researcher.
Scientists at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the United States says Centennial Ashkenazi Jews have this mutated gene.
They found that 86 very old people and their children had higher telomerase, which protects the DNA.
They say it might be possible to stimulate drugs that produce the enzyme.
It can be a disadvantage in terms of strengthening the process of DNA repair in cells, there are more opportunities to divide the opportunities to develop and harmful mutations increase cancer.
Professor Tim Spector of King's College
Writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, say the teams have studied Ashkenazi Jewish community, since they are closely linked, it is easier to control the disease causing genetic differences are identified.
They took blood samples of 86 very old, but generally healthy people with an average age of 97 175, and their descendants, and 93 others who were the offspring of parents who had lived a normal life, and could therefore lead to a control group, with which the results can be compared.
The role of telomeres
Telomeres are relatively short DNA fragments, the specialists sit at the ends of chromosomes.
They were compared with the plastic tips at the ends of laces, the laces to keep the decay.
Each time a cell divides, its telomeres get shorter and the cell is more likely to die.
The importance of telomeres was recognized last month when three scientists 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for determining the structure of telomeres and discover how to protect chromosomes from degrading.
Telomerase can repair telomeres, prevent reduced.
"A strong hereditary component '
The team noted by Einstein, that the centenarians and their offspring had higher telomerase and telomeres significantly longer than men, regardless of the control group and that the train was very heritable.
Scientists had already shown that people spared in Ashkenazi families with exceptional longevity of age-related diseases generally remained high, such as heart disease and diabetes.
The centenarians in this study had a lower average body mass index than controls and higher levels of good cholesterol (HDL).
Yousin Suh, associate professor of medicine and genetics at Einstein and lead author of the article, said: "Our results suggest that length of telomeres and telomerase variants of genes that help people live a very long time to combine, perhaps by making them from the diseases of old age.
"We are now trying to the mechanism by which these genetic variants of telomerase maintain telomere length in centenarians understand.
"It may be possible, medications that telomerase our centenarians were blessed develop imitate."
Done, Professor Tim Spector of King's College London, who has research on telomeres and aging, said it was an interesting finding, but it can not affect other populations, and research is needed.
He said: "There can be a disadvantage in terms of strengthening the process of DNA repair in cells, there are more opportunities that can divide the opportunities of development and harmful mutations increase cancer.
"Most scientists agree that there is evidence that people with longer telomeres less age-related diseases and this study suggests that one reason why they could live longer."
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Living to 100 children of today
More than half of babies born today in rich countries live for 100 years if current trends in life expectancy remains a study in the medical journal The Lancet published reported recently.
In the 20th Century have increased the most developed countries around 30 years in life expectancy, the newspaper led by Kaare Christensen, professor at the Danish Aging Research Center at the University of Souther Denmark.
In 1950, only 15% to 16% of women 80 years and only 12% of octogenarian men came at the age of 90 years in the advanced economies. In 2002 this figure had increased to 37% and 25%. In Japan, the survival rate from 80 to 90 is now over 50% for women.
"If the increase in life expectancy in developed countries over the last two centuries, on through the 21th century, most babies born since 2000 in France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Japan and other countries for a long-term expectation is celebrating its 100th birthday, "said the review.
The data also suggest that today, the additional year of less disturbed by the disability and dependence in the past.
However, the document warns that the duration of the longer life expectancy on the major social challenges, economic and medical, that the very elderly have become a larger part of the community.
One solution would be to expand the employment is more evenly across the population and the phases of life, say the authors.
Instead of a long, intense and moves in with his retirement, individuals can combine work, education, recreation and education of children in different amounts at different ages.
Was "The 20th century a century of redistribution of income. The 21st century is a century of redistribution of work, they said.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Living to 100? Oooh, that would be terrible. They are so old.
Who was the reaction of many scientists predict that many children born today will live to see 2109th Horrible? I'm sorry. The centenary of the future will have a good time and I hope I am among them.
We are entering a new era of personalized medicine, genetic testing will tell you what diseases you are at risk, and your doctor will tell you what to do. Boards should not, or expensive high-tech: a recent study has shown that coffee is the average age of the remarkable protection against Alzheimer's disease.
And continuing in the future, drop a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Scientists have shown that the introduction of genes that promote growth in the brain of the loss of fibers in the brain that occurs during the DA to compensation. Even the electric and magnetic brain stimulation promising results for diseases such as Parkinson's disease.
Repeal of legislation for the prevention and cure of the dreaded specter of mental decline in old age. You could even choose to take things a step further - what makes a person sick and could not a person, the better. The old man of the future can be good, amateurism in improving the brain.
One of the biggest obstacles in old age is the leading cause of vision loss and blindness. Gene therapy, treatment is always artificial lenses and sophisticated laser means that in 100 years there is every reason to believe that the loss of eyesight is weakening under which the unfortunate few, not the majority.
Scientists are also amazing advances in prosthetics. No more days of sugar cane, scooter, the walking aid. Look forward to a future increase in bone prosthesis is not a simple replacement of the members, but an opportunity in the defective construction of the human body.
Finally, and perhaps most exciting of all are the opportunities for research on stem cells. We have a point to attend the scientists can a skin cell and turn it into a "master pluripotent cells," which reached to develop any kind of tissue in the body, brain cells, muscle or bone. This is already possible in mice.
Scientists and doctors are not on a mission to give us another 20 years in purgatory, life support machines connected. The crux of the work in the lab is for us to enjoy the health and vitality.
Newborn forget codgerdom getting dark Acceptance: Get ready for the year of glory.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Living to 100 : Tips for Healthy Aging
The number of people continues to rise dramatically. About 4.2 million U.S. residents now fall within the age group of the "fourth age" -85 years or older, with more than 40,000 who have attained the age of 100 years. In fact, centenarians (100 years of age and older), the fastest growing population of seniors and 100 in 2050 according to census projections, 1 million Americans have their Birthday.
Meanwhile, points to a growing number of indications that good genes are a small part of the puzzle of longevity. In fact, scientists now believe that chronic illness is not an inevitable consequence of aging, but it usually results from lifestyle choices that we are perfectly free to refuse to.
So what are the secrets of centenarians to age with good health? Experts recommend the following:
Embracing a Positive Attitude
Centenarians tend to be very optimistic and always hope for the best. According to the studies with a positive attitude is important, the ability to live longer and lead to better health, quality of life. The researchers conclude that positive emotions have a direct impact on overall health, perhaps directly to how the immune system or indirectly, May, for example, by strengthening the social safety net.
Stimulate your mind
Research shows the more educated we are, the more we will live. And the benefits of education are even more apparent when the learning continues throughout our lives. Most centenarians enjoy the opportunities and possibilities that have not been available to them before in her life as a second career, volunteer activities, musical training, writing and classes in various areas of interest, or while traveling. In addition, you may consider to get mentally stimulating activities like crossword puzzles or learn a new language.
Reduce stress and stay in touch
Protect your mental and physical health by managing stress at work and at home. Humor, meditation, exercise and optimism are good ways to naturally reduce stress and reduce tension.
Stay in touch with family and friends. Those who receive a dense network of social support do best. Social encourage us to a better May take care of us, reducing smoking and alcohol, for example, or seeking medical treatment for the symptoms to show earlier than May, serious problems. Friends can also help us through difficult times by offering coping mechanisms and have a positive effect on mood and self-esteem.
Use your genes
Good health practices will help you for at least part of the genetic difference between you and centenarians. Basically, you can compensate for the bad genes in living healthy and completely ruin good genes with bad habits. Smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol, for example, increase the risk of many chronic diseases. As you get older, you need to get regular preventive care.
Take your time with exercise
Find fun ways to keep fit, such as dancing, gardening, swimming, hiking or jogging. Include strength training, personal trainer or as a provider of health care, recommended receiving muscle mass. Increased muscle tissue burns fat more efficiently, reduces the risk of heart disease and reduces the risk of falling from a broken hip. For adults, at least 30 minutes moderate physical activity on most days of the week is recommended.
Making Healthy Choices Diet
What you eat and drink and what not to eat or drink, can make a big difference to your health. To prevent weight gain and good health, special food effect. Choose foods using optimal nutrition and calories. Too many processed foods often contain more calories and fewer nutrients. But if you choose all natural foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, good (unsaturated) fats, nuts, legumes, and healthy sources of protein (white meat, fish and eggs).
Choose a good provider of health
Even if you are healthy and wise choices of prevention, it is essential to access to a sense of trust, dignity have caregiver health.
A provider of health care should:
- Know and support all forms of healing and various approaches to health care for the patients with the most effective, safe prevention or treatment options.
- Emphasize prevention and wellness whole person.
- Teach healthy living practices.
- Involving patients in decisions about their care, with the exception of acute, potentially life-threatening emergencies.
- Encourage patients to be responsible for their health.
Chiropractic Can Help
Tell your doctor of chiropractic about other ways to improve your quality of life. Doctors of chiropractic are trained and licensed to examine and treat the whole body with particular emphasis on the nervous and musculo-skeletal wellness and prevention.
Living to 100 - Tips for Japanese centenarians
Survey of more than 40,000 Japanese over 100 years
TOKYO (Dow Jones) - "More than 40,000 Japanese aged 100 or more, showed up 10 percent over the previous year, a survey by the government on Friday ...
Japan has the longest life expectancy in the world, with experts citing a healthy diet, the quality of health care and a tradition of active retirees as factors in the phenomenon. "
These are the three main indicators LONG LIFE for the Japanese.
If you eat smart, the medical care of high quality and remain active in their communities have a much greater risk for a longer life in good health.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Living to 100
That thought scares me how I look, I would be more available, I was there. That is, I hang another 53 years. What the hell. Not that I go now, I just want my life as today or tomorrow to be enjoying my last.
At the age of 100, I would not have a husband, as in the 5 years older than me and really take care of now very well. I hate the idea that we have only been married 6 almost 7 years, and I do not see life without him.
Then the children, they would not much that I had some young people. The oldest, 24 years when I and the other on 29 So, if I lived to 100 He (the oldest) is 76 and my son could be 72, he is 71 a baby in February this means that they worry too old for me. It is also the theme. The grandchildren are too old, one 60 and the other 54, especially with their own parents and their best interests to be concerned. Yes, I know Grandma was young, and yet I am a grandparent may be old great-grandson. In order to benefit their lives ...
And where I was, sounds like I have no money, as things now. And who will care for me .. Folks That's weird robotic nurse in an institution of thousands of old from us, you will find all the up to then, and the computer is something you simply touch a screen in your house to talk and write or e e-mail have disappeared. I do too old and frail, and I live in a run-down facilities would, t have one.
I hope the other 30 years ago or more live just long enough to enjoy my life and I appreicate if I leave early, so I know that someone sure I could make my race this river. and if I take a little longer, must con for breakfast, taking my son on the bridge over the river and then I would imagine ...
Look at your life and live it .. 100 years and more .....
10 Steps to Living to 100 Years Old
1. Manage stress, as far as possible, relaxing stay.
2. Challenge yourself with the goals in your life.
3. Get 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night.
4. Avoid trans fats.
5. Having a healthy sex life
6. Do not smoke
7. Drinking alcohol in modoration
8. Immerse yourself in personal relationships: to marry and have children / Stay close to your family and friends.
9. Add a healthy dose of antioxidants, fruits and vegetables in the diet.
10. Exercise regularly to keep sport, a healthy weight, relax the muscles and blood circulation.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Living to 100 : Secrets of the 100 Year Lifestyle
In our first newsletter in front of, you know, we always try to bring you the latest evidence-based strategies that you lead an active, anti-aging, disease-free life.
Today I wanted to give you something more. Something that called into question, you have to think of the health and vitality, experience ... Starting today ... the height of your 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond. (Yes, even 100 years!)
So I put a shout out to almost everyone I knew was able to zero in on the most urgent each day in your life and health.
Vic Conant, President of Nightingale-Conant, did not hesitate. Before I could finish my sentence, he told me what my customers have with absolute conviction. Published as part of a company that many programs leading wellness of its 50-year history, I appreciate his opinion. He handpicked a revolutionary solution, Dr. Eric Plasker vitality as his first choice to share with you today.
By improving the quality of medicine, you will live not only a key to 100 and beyond that you are the key to life and have every year.
Living to 100 ?
Is the idea of life of 100 call for you? Some of us in our generation we can say "Thanks, but no thanks." Because most people want to enjoy life while they are healthy, but not like the idea, old and sick and dependent on others for our daily needs.
Well, I heard on the radio this morning that there is a report that for those born after 2000, about half of them expect the claims to live to 100 years. My first thought when I heard was that when people live so long as they had to change their habits, the better!
The new generation, and the "baby boomers" have the opportunity to take their health a little different than what we have learned from the past. We have seen enormous advances in the science of longevity. We have made incredible progress in understanding how diet and supplements to slow the aging process. We have learned the science behind the various forms of exercise, if we can stimulate our body to build instead of disintegration.
Most importantly, I think we have a point where people begin to understand the world how to use the influence intelligence to their health. People flock to yoga classes, Law of Attraction seminars and all types of healing practices. For me, this shows that we begin to take responsibility for our health and our quality of life.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The meaning of life after living to 100 years
"If current trends in life expectancy continue, more than half of babies are born in rich countries have experienced since 2000 will be about 100 years old and have less disability than older generations earlier. That is the conclusion of researchers who found that the increase in life expectancy in rich countries, which occur since 1840 shows no signs of slowing down. "
- HealthDay News October 2, 2009
Think about it! Half of our children live, 100 years old. The consequences for our society are truly remarkable. This is particularly true for marketers. Do not apply our current marketing strategy for this new generation.
For example, how a lifetime guarantee? This practice began in the 1950s, when marketing to consumers is born. Back in 1955 the life expectancy of Americans was only 69.6 years. In essence, the bet was that we would die before the product has. Now the sellers have to add another 30 years for their reporting.
What are the other consequences of your customers live 100 years?
Tech Tips for living to 100 and enjoy life while you are there
This week was an interesting, if you want to reflect on the lives of 100. Evercare Evercare of 2009 offered 100 @ 100 Survey - the results of the survey of college seniors included. Dr. Judith Rich was in the Huffington Post by the question "Would you like to live, published in 100 years?" At both surveys, the built in comparison with the lives of centenarians. Actually, the Foundation for Healthy Aging, "The Born in 1899, born of the opportunities of life to 100 and 400 to 1, but for those who, in 1980, significantly the probability to 87 to 1 improvement.
If the old ones from like planets more space? Mr. Rich noted that in 2030 to 84% of 65 + completed high school and 24% have a bachelor's degree compared to 15% with a college degree today. She noted that centenarians tomorrow very comfortable with smart phones, internet and everything around him to allow them access to information - even as a very demanding consumer of health care. She fears that the world can not accommodate all that it "calls Geezerdom" and that it may be logical that the old and voluntarily "out of the way" to help would make room for all.
Evercare's "articulate well and to" 100 years are now so busy in life. Who would have thought that half of the centenarians with Wii Fit Ninetendo's, 21 percent go online to use e-mail, 10 percent weekly, and 5 percent are familiar television, 4 percent of music downloads, 3 percent use Twitter, and 2 percent want not an iPod, if stranded on a desert island. Half are walks and hikes, more than half of game shows to see, and read 77%, to promote their minds. Both the College and the elderly centenarians you talk with your family and friends manage stress, too. Instead, worry about our future, 63% reported in 100 years that they "do something to help others," as reported, a secondary stress, while 78% of college seniors that they "use me time to emphasize to . Manage
The column by Judith Rich offers tips to prolong your life. She cites to a long list of broad consultation, as you extend your life to laugh (15 minutes per day, not to smoke, with a positive outlook add years). But do not keep this list on the community in relation to something to help others stay on the world the latest news and events, or to remain with the aid of a computer to the family in touch. Remember that the respondents already Evercare 100 years - and this is a surprisingly large number of them. Perhaps, if we want to live till 100 years, we should imitate them. This is a tech blog - here is my rotation:
Do you have a computer. I still hear that tired line for vendors, the (non-exclusive PC) products that are 65 + people confused by computers - which is why their product is not installed on a PC. It is particularly ironic for me that suppliers of telemedicine people with expertise in the home of 65 years to send the install surveillance units, trained on the use of these products, but the PC is simply too overwhelming a flat platform. Enough. Ignoring the communication needs of your "patients" by giving them disposable devices is politely express indifference. Telehealth nurses say that patients such as monitoring, because it shows that someone cares. Imagine their excitement when someone showed them how to use a touch screen for e-mail use, she sent some e-mail and showed them how to join an online community for PatientsLikeMe?
Stay up to date - new and fresh ideas. Despite my love to distribute them, we probably will not read newspapers, paper too long - too difficult to buy, too expensive and too difficult to read to discard when you are finished. But even if you still think they can still an automatic e-mail streams from newspaper companies set to take Google Alerts for topics that interest you and what's what in the world trends and ideas .
Exercise - both physical and brain. It does not matter what you do as long as you push off, you let your heart and give your bones enough to prevent stress on dilution. If your residence is Wii Fit, so be it. And give your brain while you're at it - all to stimulation, including the training your brain, your driving skills, or hold something to learn. See updates.
Buy smart phones - and provided they keep charged. Needless to lose our way up to 100 years could be - you have a BlackBerry or iPhone that you mobile access to e-mail, but you can be directed with directions to find a restaurant or gas station, discuss with your children and grandchildren even with the phone to call 911 in an emergency. They are useless if the battery is empty, so used to maintain a lifestyle of early intervention - the on the computer. There is a computer.
Are you like-minded communities. The "life coaching" column in Mr. Rich said that the church adds 3 years to go to a regular life expectancy. When we pointed out that the advice is to find "colleagues" - in person, online, by phone - the confrontation with another of the key extended. If we are like 50% over 65 years, we now have 2 chronic diseases - more importantly, people who understand how they can best manage. View stay informed, you can have a smart phone, a computer.
Online viewing of medical services. Since we are at 100, there is no reason to feel trapped in the house, unable to access medical advice. We subscribe to online services (telephone, e-mail visits, virtual) from companies such as American TelaDoc, property, or a Live Nurse Jitterbug phone.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
7 keys to living conditions at 100
The human body was designed to live at the 100 to 120. Most of our habits, our daily life-chances of a healthy life as an anniversary limit have developed. What matters now is that you gain control of that date.
Stop the habit of not knowing which serve to you, such as smoking, eating fast food, etc., and choose habits that grow with your body.
Healthy lifestyle increases your chances of living to 100 or more. Any habit takes 14 to 21 days in a row to a regular pattern to develop.
Once the pattern is formed, your new healthy lifestyle to begin, the bad habits, such as progress replace. Seven Habits for healthy longevity
1. Good nutrition diet
To avoid drinking filtered water and chemicals that are normally used to treat water. Water is very important for drainage and a good moisturizer cells to prevent accumulation of toxic waste. Avoid using water softeners, which deprives them of important minerals.
A daily diet of fresh green leaves (raw or cooked the food is necessary to be able to get the regular system. Eating wild salmon from Alaska and you reduce your consumption of beef and poultry. Suggest 75% alkaline foods. Avoid all trans fats, hydrogenated fats and sugars. Use olive oil and virgin oil from flax. Add supplements to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need. Minimum recommendations are a multivitamin / mineral superior quality omega-3 fish oil and vitamin D3.
2. Regular exercise
Daily exercise is a walk, go swimming, yoga or whatever you like ideal. If you do not find time on a daily basis, then at least the body in motion 3-4 times per week. Regular exercise will not only strengthen your immune system, but put yourself in a better mood and increase your energy level.
3. Managing Stress
Many do not know how to play the role of stress in our daily lives. Stress is the cause of most diseases that shorten our lives. Stress has the potential of the chemistry of our bodies that can change to chronic diseases. A wonderful way to eliminate or manage stress meditation is to learn. You're only 5 minutes a day of mediation, and gradually work your way up to 15-20 minutes. They emphasize learning other methods to manage such as Tai Chi or yoga. Do your research and find a way that works best for you.
4. Regular sleep
It is important to sleep on a regular basis, usually 7-8 hours as a quality sleep for the average person. Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark enough to sleep and the temperature is cold enough.
5. Be Happy
Have a positive mental attitude. Make at least one thing each day that gives you happiness and joy, as well as a good deed for someone.
6. Love
Research has shown that people who have someone in your vicinity (married or have a special relationship prone) in love to live anymore. Pets are also provides as a good example that provides emotional comfort, a sense of peace considered. ) In other words, we all need a certain type of company (human or animal to survive. To love others makes us happy.
7. Avoid toxic overload
One way to avoid many dangerous chemicals is to buy only organic foods and using "natural" or "biodegradable detergent. Choose a healthy environment through the avoidance of toxic chemicals in the air we breathe (cigarette smoke, for example, toxic vapors from the vicinity of highways come to live). Be careful not to live in homes that used lead paint and carpet care, that is manufactured with chemicals that are toxic fumes into the air. This is just a few examples to be, where and how you live on a daily basis.
Living to 100: Possible?
We benefit when our favorite player hits a century in cricket. This is just another person. The pleasure is doubled or quadrupled, or when we hear that parents have lived for over 100 years. This will be happier with the news that your mother is 100 years. It is the dream of all people.
Although scientists are still in need of an immortal life, we are glad if we could be quiet for 100 years old. But this dream is not done any. One in one billion live in this age group. This is due to several factors. Some of these factors is the stress that is created mentally and physically, for people who live in this world.
The people are very poor health due to the schedule and the work that he lives in his first. These are the two main reasons. Other reasons include the environment and the bodies of ill health in some countries, they make them weak and fragile to injuries much less make them sick.
The most important reason, however, is the availability of food, health is completely missing today. These young people make very poor health and stamina.
There is only one way to tackle the problem. One possibility is to take in some healthy foods and natural, that all essential elements in them. Living to 100 is no easy task, as you might expect.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Living past 100 years with anti-aging genes
Analysis of two separate projects to see both the genes of healthy, old (90 years or even 100) people, whether they have genes in May, shared responsibility, make their life.
Technology Review reports that Eric Topol, the Program for Genomic Medicine Institute Scripps Translational Science that blood samples collected from 1000 people aged 80 or over who have never suffered from serious illness and does not derive drugged. From the article:
"These people have genetic markers of susceptibility to many serious diseases, including cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes, but they receive none of these diseases," says Eric Topol
"The sequencing of the researchers can determine whether he is healthy, elderly tend to wear [Change] genetic predisposition, whether protective factors more efficiently or impede the activity of harmful factors operate."
In the same report, we also learn the planned lifetime of genes, the longevity will also genes, but they are using microarray analysis rather than direct gene sequencing.
Living more than 100 years old has a lot of keys.
The Japanese government survey. The last one years of more than 40,000 Japanese found that more than 100 years of the elderly, accounting for 10% of the total population.
In Japan, people, there were 40,399 people, an increasing number of elderly and female population of 87 percent with more than 100 years or more. Most of the elderly and retired from work. Which retirement and medical benefits will be raising money to support. The problem is the government's future actions are recognized.
Japan's 100 years in the United States is the second murder of the country. Which reaches 96,000 people, but the two times the entire population of the U.S. population in Japan is over.
Secrets to Living to 100
Things to Do:
You run 40 minutes per day
You would rather walk
You do not have a girl
You strengthen your legs
You like raspberries in your oatmeal
You make every calorie
You are a tea lover
You jump Cola, and Diet
You eat purple food
You do not like hamburgers
You have a relatively flat stomach after menopause
You were a teenage healthy weight
You're the life of the party
You are a blooming
You Feel 13 years younger than you are
It is the challenge
You really like your friends
... and they are healthy
You were a college freshman
You embrace techie trends
The pulse beats 15 times in 15 seconds
She began menopause after the 50th Age
You had a child later in life
You mother was young
You do not snore
You will receive a blood test for vitamin D
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Living Past 100
Interesting article in New Scientist on longevity and aging. Surprisingly, the 4 keys to long life is ... drum roll please ... diet, exercise, mental and spiritual and social.
Ventilated, are we so surprised when you have a healthy diet, belief in something, and you live longer live interactive social? Common sense.
So what do you do to solve these problems? Faith is slippery. After a spirituality that is outside of the major religions, I have always felt that my beliefs very important to know who I am. Integrity, honesty, justice and treating people the feeling that is the reward, in fact, not in the hope of reward in the afterlife. Without denigrating any religion or religions here. What do you think of your heart is what matters. The belief in all its forms is what the article mentioned, no details.
"Social" is also an interesting concept that faith or can not be used. Sunday socials were an important part of growing up for me, and I know that many families, regular meals together, but a social life even more. Does your social life include community activities such as theater, politics, volunteering, or something in nature? Are you involved with a local bird watching club? It's about interaction.
Financial year - two birds with one stone.
Physical activity and nutrition are an integral part of this site I will not delve into details about them, except to say they are so important, the physical quality of life.
Living to 100
Living to 100th is on everyone's mind today morning by an online test you can take to determine how long you live. In Livingto100.com you can with a computer running the account of the family history, diet, exercise, sex is increasing, and many other aspects to achieve their life expectancy. The computer is actually quite some time, but not until recently, there was such enthusiasm around him was.
Perhaps the discussion of health care, raging across the nation, or the new TV show Flash Forward, that people and their future life expectancy, but whatever the reason, consider, Livingto100.com is incredibly popular. It reminds me a few months when the risk of death of popular test Standings swept the Internet. The people are certainly concerned about their life expectancy.
According to the site using the lives of 100 life expectancy calculator to estimate the most recent and thorough with the medical and scientific data, how old will you be living. Most people in their eighties Score Late ... and you?
The calculator asks you 40 quick questions about your health and family history tells us and runs take about 10 minutes.
You will also receive:
Personalized feedback for each answer
A Personal Service "to-do" list for you and your doctor
A list of things you do differently, and how many years you can add when you
Well, like everything else, comes the lives of 100 simulator with a twist. By the SCA (Society of Certified Senior Advisors), an organization that provides counseling for the elderly Presented is the test you directly to their website. The marketing is brilliant. However, life was created by 100 computer from a famous Dr. Perls, who is, according to CNN, one of the leading experts on aging. Perhaps it is time for the test, just for fun.
So, what is the secret of living to 100? According to McClatchy Newspapers, residential and 100 are in this generation which has grown since 2000, on the agenda. They also say that soon enough, life will be categorized differently. Instead, only the three stages of life (child, adult, age), there will be two separate categories for "age", including the "young old" and "fourth age".
It all sounds pretty ridiculous if you ask me. But how can you ensure that you live to 100? Well, according to a study of New England, who lived to 100, are emotionally resilient and able to adjust emotionally to their environment (one-to-the-flow), self-sufficient intellectual labor, have a sense of humor (including the themselves) have close links with other, low blood pressure, a sense of simple pleasures, living a joy to have, do not smoke or drink a lot now, May play musical instruments and anti-inflammatory diet. Add to this list the fact that 80 percent of people who are up to 100 women, most of those who gave birth after the 40th Year of life.
Living up to 100 years
More than fifty percent of babies born today is rising in rich countries to 100 years if current rates continue, the life expectancy, a study published in the medical journal The Lancet recently reported.
In the 20th Century, the most developed countries grew by around 30 years in life expectancy, the newspaper run by Kaare Christensen, professor at the Danish Aging Research Center at the University of Souther Denmark.
In 1950, only 15% to 16% of women 80 years and only 12% of octogenarian men came at the age of 90 years in the advanced economies. In 2002 these figures to 37% and 25% respectively. Japan leads with the survival rate from 80 to 90 is now over 50% for women.
"If the increase in life expectancy in developed countries over the last two centuries, on through the 21th century, most babies born since 2000 in France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Japan and other countries for a long-term expectation is celebrating its 100th birthday, "the report said.
New research has revealed that one hundred years.
New research has revealed that one hundred years, life expectancy is increasing over time. The research was conducted in a medical journal The Lancet. Research shows that this sentence is for people who are young now. This means that people who are currently still small, the life expectancy of more than 100 years of life have.
The research said that the younger generation who were born in 2000 and are among the most developed countries the life expectancy of 100 years and the children were born in 2007 and have a life expectancy of 104 years and so on. The research also stated that the extended duration of life, does not mean that the elderly are on the beds or "life-support machines need" to continue, but increase in their vitality and health and on.
Some critics regard the results as a bit 'enlightened of exaggeration, or optimism. Will adopt that enrich people's lifestyle is more and more consciousness and awareness of environment and living healthier, which would further lead to increased lifespan of a natural phenomenon. And there is nothing "mysterious" in that regard that the study reveals.
Even the most naive one can say this with the "common sense" that people touch tripled the figure. To bring a change in the system of things, people would understand the mechanism of life expectancy. The new style of life based on health awareness will lead to people with less weight and diabetes. It would certainly increase the life expectancy and there is no formula "math" necessary to predict the rate referred to above.
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