If a child born in 2109 hours live on average? (or terminator robot fighters and killing them?)
More than half the children born today in the UK and other rich countries will be 100 years, say researchers.
Leaving aside the threats such as robots, nanobots, quasars, asteroids and volcanoes VEI 8 then I think, an estimated life expectancy of 100 years is too conservative. We are leading useful for biotechnology need to rejuvenate the worn-out body parts. Look at the post, I simply suggest ways to repair the muscles, the muscle stem cells. I think the cure for cancer a possible revival of safety levels of youth activity on stem cells, thus allowing the repair much better.
The leader of this study is that these forecasts on long-term trend towards increasing life expectancy.
Were Professor Kaare Christensen of the Danish Aging Research Center at the University of Southern Denmark, who led the study said, the life expectancy since 1840 and there was no evidence of this trend slowing down.
The problem with this trend is that the nature of advances to extend this life change with time. So far, the type of instruments is used to prolong life (drinking water, such as antibiotics, vaccines, better food), not directly repair the effects of aging. But this change in the lives of most readers of this too. Cure for cancer, therapies for the repair of the musculoskeletal system, replacement and organ growth are among the treatments that are much earlier than 100 years. This therapy is life beyond 100 years.
Biogerontologist Aubrey D.N.J. Gray means that achieve actuarial escape velocity, where the rate of progress of biotechnology for the repair of the body to prolong the lives of at least as fast as our bodies age. Rates of repair is higher than the rate of aging, and therefore actually becomes younger each year. If over the next 100 years (going on and I expect will be a disaster for the people blocking annihilate or destroy) the industrial civilization, therefore children are born and live thousands of years.
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